Lawyer, freelance writer, Articles writer. Blog urls:
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Laziness is an enemy within you
Laziness is baneful to a human being and an enemy within him or her. It is a complex quality of a person which defies logic or reasoning. Laziness can be defined as idleness, indolence, an inactive or inert status of a human being which hampers ones’ growth and progress in life. Hence, laziness keeps a person poor. Procrastination is another form of laziness which prompts a person to stave of or postpone a project or work indefinitely. Laziness can also be equated with lust which keeps a person idle in his bed, making him rather unwilling to rise from his bed and proceed with his routine activities. To put it briefly, laziness can be defined as a sort of mental bloc of a human being, keeping him static and neglecting his duties.
The cause of laziness can be traced to ones’ childhood days. A child picks up the laziness from his parents and got ingrained it. Therefore parents of a child are to be blamed whose lazy ways and attitude infect a child. Viewing a television for hours together both by the elders and the children make them addicts, neglecting their developmental and other important activities in life. Thus an elder fails in his office to finish his office work satisfactorily, while the child neglects his studies, performing badly in the exams. Procrastination or tendency to postpone a work or project, results in inordinate delay leading to yet another form of laziness.
All religions have taken note of laziness and its evil impact on the humanity. The Bible vividly explains through anecdotes the bad impact of laziness on mankind. Buddhism puts emphasis on eschewing from laziness. Islam advises to abhor laziness.
Therefore, it is our duty to abjure from laziness in the interest of ones’ own welfare as well as mankind. But it is not an easy task. First of all we should motivate ourselves. Then we should make concerted efforts in the right direction. A few tips on how to shed ones’ laziness will not be out of place.
In order to shut the door for laziness, we should begin from the father of the man, the child. It is the duty of the parents to be a role model for their children in eschewing laziness, by doing everything systematically and methodically involving no delay. We may avoid procrastination while doing big projects, by way of dividing them into small segments and by finishing them one by one within a stipulated time. Thereby we can learn time management also. Individuals who want to shed their laziness may have specific targets or goals before them, according to ones’ ability and background and pursue them with a single minded purpose and concentration. In the process your laziness is gone once and for all.
The cause of laziness can be traced to ones’ childhood days. A child picks up the laziness from his parents and got ingrained it. Therefore parents of a child are to be blamed whose lazy ways and attitude infect a child. Viewing a television for hours together both by the elders and the children make them addicts, neglecting their developmental and other important activities in life. Thus an elder fails in his office to finish his office work satisfactorily, while the child neglects his studies, performing badly in the exams. Procrastination or tendency to postpone a work or project, results in inordinate delay leading to yet another form of laziness.
All religions have taken note of laziness and its evil impact on the humanity. The Bible vividly explains through anecdotes the bad impact of laziness on mankind. Buddhism puts emphasis on eschewing from laziness. Islam advises to abhor laziness.
Therefore, it is our duty to abjure from laziness in the interest of ones’ own welfare as well as mankind. But it is not an easy task. First of all we should motivate ourselves. Then we should make concerted efforts in the right direction. A few tips on how to shed ones’ laziness will not be out of place.
In order to shut the door for laziness, we should begin from the father of the man, the child. It is the duty of the parents to be a role model for their children in eschewing laziness, by doing everything systematically and methodically involving no delay. We may avoid procrastination while doing big projects, by way of dividing them into small segments and by finishing them one by one within a stipulated time. Thereby we can learn time management also. Individuals who want to shed their laziness may have specific targets or goals before them, according to ones’ ability and background and pursue them with a single minded purpose and concentration. In the process your laziness is gone once and for all.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Story of Untouchability Wall
Caste system is the bane of the Indian society. It divides and keeps the Indian society into sectarian groups and classes. The roots of the caste system are traced back to time immemorial days, the age of the Vedas or Puranas. While one view discriminates between the castes as upper and lower castes on the basis of their origin, another view traces the origin of the castes to varnas which classifies the caste system on the basis of their functions.
It is an irony despite of the growth of culture and civilization in the modern India still the caste system prevails and plays a predominant role in the Indian politics and society.
The Indian government, perhaps realizing the difficulty of eradicating the caste system from India, is providing the reservation system to the socially and economically backward castes in the educational institutions and in offering employment opportunities.
At the same time, the Indian Government has enacted laws to remove untouchability among the so called lower castes, by specifically declaring untouchability as a social evil, sin and a crime against humanity and God. It even prosecutes the offenders under the provisions of Untouchability Act.
While the differences among the caste system remain deep rooted, unscrupulous politicians exploit them to their best advantage in the course of elections and in fact the vested interests in politics want to perpetuate the caste system. Therefore communal tensions and clashes among different communities periodically occur and thereby the caste differences become deep rooted and the caste system gets perpetuated.
Recently in a remote village namely Uthapuram in Madurai District in Tamil Nadu, the caste system manifested itself in the form of a wall known as 'Untouchability Wall'.It separated the residential areas of two castes, the people of schedule caste on the one hand and the people of 'Pillaimar community' on the other hand.
In the year 1999,when the Southern districts of Tamil Nadu had the worst communal clashes, this particular village 'Uthapuram' also got infected with communal clashes,in which a number of persons died in both castes. Unable to bear the onslaughts of caste clashes, a few families of Pillaimar community deserted their village and went to Tirupur, a textile city, to eke out their livelihood and still they are residing there. The impugned 'caste wall' was raised to some distance by some Pillaimars in their patta land so as to prevent the invasion or intrusion or the free movement of the 'people of the pallar community' (schedule castes people considered by the upper castes as untouchables) who are living on the other side of the wall.
In March, 2008, the existence of 'the caste wall' or popularly known as the 'wall of untouchability' came into light in a popular daily through the efforts of a political party, CPI (M).It called upon the government to remove 'the caste wall' fixing a deadline, which led to dramatic events at Uthapuram village. The CPI(M), even threatened to remove the wall, if the government did not come forward to do it.
Immediately, the Madurai District Collector camped at Uthapuram village and held many rounds of talks with the Pillaimar community for the removal of 'the caste wall'.Led by their leader Mr.Murugesan, the Pillaimar community, called upon the government to set up a police station in the Uhapuram village so as to safeguard them and to have talks with them. On the instructions of the government, the District Collector dismantled a portion of the wall thereby paving the way for the movement of people on either side of the wall.
Protesting the action of the government, the entire Pillaimar community vacated the Uthapuram village and went to a nearby hill and camped there temporarily. Staying in the open chilly air affected the health of the young children with fever and diarrhea But the Pillaimar community refused to accept any medical help extended by the government and also refused to come back to their village until their demands were met. It was really pathetic to see thousands of people camping at the hilly tract in the open air and remained adamant despite of facing many odds and threats like illness, wild animals like jackals and innumerable venomous snakes.
After a week, one A.C.Shanmugam, a popular leader of a political outfit, managed to persuade the Pillaimar community to return back to their village, by arranging and fixing an appointment with the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for further talks.Now Uthapuram village remains calm without any communal problem.But the differences between the two caste communities are alive.
Thus the institution of caste remains a sensitive and volatile issue in India and time and again, it raises its ugly head, either in politics or society.
Source:The Deccan Chronicle (daily)
It is an irony despite of the growth of culture and civilization in the modern India still the caste system prevails and plays a predominant role in the Indian politics and society.
The Indian government, perhaps realizing the difficulty of eradicating the caste system from India, is providing the reservation system to the socially and economically backward castes in the educational institutions and in offering employment opportunities.
At the same time, the Indian Government has enacted laws to remove untouchability among the so called lower castes, by specifically declaring untouchability as a social evil, sin and a crime against humanity and God. It even prosecutes the offenders under the provisions of Untouchability Act.
While the differences among the caste system remain deep rooted, unscrupulous politicians exploit them to their best advantage in the course of elections and in fact the vested interests in politics want to perpetuate the caste system. Therefore communal tensions and clashes among different communities periodically occur and thereby the caste differences become deep rooted and the caste system gets perpetuated.
Recently in a remote village namely Uthapuram in Madurai District in Tamil Nadu, the caste system manifested itself in the form of a wall known as 'Untouchability Wall'.It separated the residential areas of two castes, the people of schedule caste on the one hand and the people of 'Pillaimar community' on the other hand.
In the year 1999,when the Southern districts of Tamil Nadu had the worst communal clashes, this particular village 'Uthapuram' also got infected with communal clashes,in which a number of persons died in both castes. Unable to bear the onslaughts of caste clashes, a few families of Pillaimar community deserted their village and went to Tirupur, a textile city, to eke out their livelihood and still they are residing there. The impugned 'caste wall' was raised to some distance by some Pillaimars in their patta land so as to prevent the invasion or intrusion or the free movement of the 'people of the pallar community' (schedule castes people considered by the upper castes as untouchables) who are living on the other side of the wall.
In March, 2008, the existence of 'the caste wall' or popularly known as the 'wall of untouchability' came into light in a popular daily through the efforts of a political party, CPI (M).It called upon the government to remove 'the caste wall' fixing a deadline, which led to dramatic events at Uthapuram village. The CPI(M), even threatened to remove the wall, if the government did not come forward to do it.
Immediately, the Madurai District Collector camped at Uthapuram village and held many rounds of talks with the Pillaimar community for the removal of 'the caste wall'.Led by their leader Mr.Murugesan, the Pillaimar community, called upon the government to set up a police station in the Uhapuram village so as to safeguard them and to have talks with them. On the instructions of the government, the District Collector dismantled a portion of the wall thereby paving the way for the movement of people on either side of the wall.
Protesting the action of the government, the entire Pillaimar community vacated the Uthapuram village and went to a nearby hill and camped there temporarily. Staying in the open chilly air affected the health of the young children with fever and diarrhea But the Pillaimar community refused to accept any medical help extended by the government and also refused to come back to their village until their demands were met. It was really pathetic to see thousands of people camping at the hilly tract in the open air and remained adamant despite of facing many odds and threats like illness, wild animals like jackals and innumerable venomous snakes.
After a week, one A.C.Shanmugam, a popular leader of a political outfit, managed to persuade the Pillaimar community to return back to their village, by arranging and fixing an appointment with the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for further talks.Now Uthapuram village remains calm without any communal problem.But the differences between the two caste communities are alive.
Thus the institution of caste remains a sensitive and volatile issue in India and time and again, it raises its ugly head, either in politics or society.
Source:The Deccan Chronicle (daily)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
To be a Blogger or an Article Writer ?
Almost all of us are blogging out of sheer ‘passion for blogging’ without any idea or purpose or motive or any goal. However, the support personnel of the web site where we blog, time and again call upon us to write something useful and rich in content and also advice us to avoid spamming which means to avoid reproducing or copying exactly what we have come across in other sites.
One may tend to ask, what is the difference between blogging and writing an article, since both involve writing and of course both are in the written format? I too agree with you.
Though a blog and an article are in the written format, there are some essential and characteristic differences between the two. To put it in an interesting way, while blogging may be equivated with the composition of a music director who has some basic knowledge and a lot of common sense coupled with hearsay knowledge, but has no any thorough knowledge in any specific school of music say in either Carnatic or Hindustani or Western music.Whereas the article writing may be equivated with that of a professional musician, a specialist and an expert in either Carnatic music or Western Classical music or Hindustani music, like a violinist like Lalgudi Jayaraman or a Kumaresh or a percussionist like Valayappatti Subramaniam or a vocalist like M.S.Subbulakshmi or Sudha Ragunathan or T.N.Sesha Gopalan or an expert in an instrument like Saxaphone, Kathri Gopal Nath or a mandolin Srinivas.
Again, while a blog does not have any specific format or word limitation or any other sort of limitation, an article specifically differs from it. It is usually in the form of an essay having an introduction, a body and a conclusion with a topic justifying the contents it has. While a blog gets published just like that very easily without involving any hazards of screening and editing etc, an article does not enjoy that privilege. It is published only after getting the approval of a panel of experts or editors. Though the length of an article may vary between 3oo words and 5000 words, but an ideal and recommended form of an article is said to be between 400 and 700 words.
But, of late, the scope of a blog has grown enormously and it is treated at par with an article. As there are innumerable article directories to enhance the scope of viewership and marketing of an article, so there are directories to blogs to enhance their scope and marketing. While there are a number of freelancing sites like, essay, academic, the writers, article, etc provide earning opportunities for article writers, popular sites like ezine which was previously paying the experts on the basis of their contribution, is now a non-paying site on experimental basis but thoroughly enhances the marketability, scope and viewership of an expert author.
There are popular directories for blogs like Blog Adda. There are popular sites like pay per post and eHow and Forum Booster.Net etc, which are paying the bloggers for their posts provided they are approved and have marketing expertise and potential in consumer products. But a non-US blogger should be thorough with his social identification number or ID number of Taxation etc.
To put it in nutshell, the scope of a blogger or an article writer, in the online world is equally good but it is highly competitive. To become a successful blogger or an article writer in terms of earning, one has to thoroughly equip himself in his area of expertise.
Then your winning post is at a striking distance.
One may tend to ask, what is the difference between blogging and writing an article, since both involve writing and of course both are in the written format? I too agree with you.
Though a blog and an article are in the written format, there are some essential and characteristic differences between the two. To put it in an interesting way, while blogging may be equivated with the composition of a music director who has some basic knowledge and a lot of common sense coupled with hearsay knowledge, but has no any thorough knowledge in any specific school of music say in either Carnatic or Hindustani or Western music.Whereas the article writing may be equivated with that of a professional musician, a specialist and an expert in either Carnatic music or Western Classical music or Hindustani music, like a violinist like Lalgudi Jayaraman or a Kumaresh or a percussionist like Valayappatti Subramaniam or a vocalist like M.S.Subbulakshmi or Sudha Ragunathan or T.N.Sesha Gopalan or an expert in an instrument like Saxaphone, Kathri Gopal Nath or a mandolin Srinivas.
Again, while a blog does not have any specific format or word limitation or any other sort of limitation, an article specifically differs from it. It is usually in the form of an essay having an introduction, a body and a conclusion with a topic justifying the contents it has. While a blog gets published just like that very easily without involving any hazards of screening and editing etc, an article does not enjoy that privilege. It is published only after getting the approval of a panel of experts or editors. Though the length of an article may vary between 3oo words and 5000 words, but an ideal and recommended form of an article is said to be between 400 and 700 words.
But, of late, the scope of a blog has grown enormously and it is treated at par with an article. As there are innumerable article directories to enhance the scope of viewership and marketing of an article, so there are directories to blogs to enhance their scope and marketing. While there are a number of freelancing sites like, essay, academic, the writers, article, etc provide earning opportunities for article writers, popular sites like ezine which was previously paying the experts on the basis of their contribution, is now a non-paying site on experimental basis but thoroughly enhances the marketability, scope and viewership of an expert author.
There are popular directories for blogs like Blog Adda. There are popular sites like pay per post and eHow and Forum Booster.Net etc, which are paying the bloggers for their posts provided they are approved and have marketing expertise and potential in consumer products. But a non-US blogger should be thorough with his social identification number or ID number of Taxation etc.
To put it in nutshell, the scope of a blogger or an article writer, in the online world is equally good but it is highly competitive. To become a successful blogger or an article writer in terms of earning, one has to thoroughly equip himself in his area of expertise.
Then your winning post is at a striking distance.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Nanogenerian Bloggers
The following bloggers belong to the category of nanogenerians.
One of them was from Australia (was no more) and another one is Buti Singh, who hailed from Guyana.Their history is given here to inspire myself as well to inspire others.
I hope you may not mind spending a few minutes to know something about the great bloggers.
The oldest nanogenerian woman blogger from Australia died on July, 12 th, at Australia at the age of 108.
The details about her last blog postings are available in
The nanogenerian blogger was the living testimony for the two world wars.The details about her life history is available at
The entire world of bloggers paid their homage to the nanogenerian blogger.
The living blogging legend is Butisingh. At his age when people hate living and suffering from senility, 96 year old Randall Butising has not only mastered the intricacies of the internet but also began his own blog which describes him as one of the world’s oldest bloggers and shows him as a man of varied interests and a multifarious personality.
The grandson of indentured workers who were taken to Guyana to work on sugar plantations, Butisingh has watched the world transform many times in the past nine decades and has adjusted himself to the changes.
He said that he is a learner and believes that one stops learning he ceases to live and that it is never too late to learn.
At the age of 80, he learnt Arabic so he could read the Quoran.At 95, he began studying Spanish and learning it ‘poco a poco’(little by little).Butisingh has an agile mind and an eager interest in life and at present he is studying the Hindu religion and philosophy.
Butisingh’s blog is versatile. Its subject categories vary from Buxton, his hometown, economics, world politics, environment, history, philosophy, poetry, psychology, religion and an inspiring thought for the day.
In April, Butisingh posted a blog in which he called for the removal of restrictions from this free medium.he responds to every comment and response to his popular blog.
Born in Buxton, which is now in Guyana, Butisingh never visited India since he does not like traveling, but he has followed Indian History and favourite Indian leader is Mahatma Gandhi.
One of them was from Australia (was no more) and another one is Buti Singh, who hailed from Guyana.Their history is given here to inspire myself as well to inspire others.
I hope you may not mind spending a few minutes to know something about the great bloggers.
The oldest nanogenerian woman blogger from Australia died on July, 12 th, at Australia at the age of 108.
The details about her last blog postings are available in
The nanogenerian blogger was the living testimony for the two world wars.The details about her life history is available at
The entire world of bloggers paid their homage to the nanogenerian blogger.
The living blogging legend is Butisingh. At his age when people hate living and suffering from senility, 96 year old Randall Butising has not only mastered the intricacies of the internet but also began his own blog which describes him as one of the world’s oldest bloggers and shows him as a man of varied interests and a multifarious personality.
The grandson of indentured workers who were taken to Guyana to work on sugar plantations, Butisingh has watched the world transform many times in the past nine decades and has adjusted himself to the changes.
He said that he is a learner and believes that one stops learning he ceases to live and that it is never too late to learn.
At the age of 80, he learnt Arabic so he could read the Quoran.At 95, he began studying Spanish and learning it ‘poco a poco’(little by little).Butisingh has an agile mind and an eager interest in life and at present he is studying the Hindu religion and philosophy.
Butisingh’s blog is versatile. Its subject categories vary from Buxton, his hometown, economics, world politics, environment, history, philosophy, poetry, psychology, religion and an inspiring thought for the day.
In April, Butisingh posted a blog in which he called for the removal of restrictions from this free medium.he responds to every comment and response to his popular blog.
Born in Buxton, which is now in Guyana, Butisingh never visited India since he does not like traveling, but he has followed Indian History and favourite Indian leader is Mahatma Gandhi.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Why do we blog ?
Hello friends, this blog is in response to one of my friends who has commented in one of my previous blogs or articles?.Of course I took his comment as an advice and really I took it in good spirits and not offended by it by any means.
Well, I don’t want to keep you in suspense. His advice was, not to write on sensitive topics (perhaps heavy) and my blogs should be entertaining and useful. Yes. I agreed.
We are all blogging to share our personal experiences and also our knowledge and technical expertise that we have with others. But what is our ultimate object of blogging ? We blog for our sheer pleasure and personal satisfaction.We want to earn in the possible way by blogging in a popular site like which of late offers 100 % adsense revenue to the bloggers or writers.
Since we blog for our sheer pleasure and personal satisfaction, we must realize that through our blogs we should make others who read our blogs happy.In other words what we write should entertain them.
Then we have the problem, how to attract other bloggers and readers to our blog and make them read our blogs. It is only by writing an entertaining, interesting and informative blog. To earn revenue from a blogging site where adsense revenue sharing method is followed, it is a precondition that we should open an account with the googles adsense.
Therefore the secret of blogging lies in writing an entertaining blog that is rich in content also.To put it in other words, before blogging, a blogger should observe what the other bloggers are writing and also read the pulse of the readers what they are interested in, what they want.
How to read the pulse of the other bloggers and readers? A blogger should observe the readers’ response to his blogs and actual number of views that his blog gets and its frequency.He should also note down the response of sensational blogs written down by fellow bloggers get.
Therefore, to put it very simply, the key of blogging lies in blogging in an entertaining way with a rich content and blogging on a subject what others crave for and need.
Then you are blogging in a right direction with a purpose and goal and your success as a blogger is rest assured.
Well, I don’t want to keep you in suspense. His advice was, not to write on sensitive topics (perhaps heavy) and my blogs should be entertaining and useful. Yes. I agreed.
We are all blogging to share our personal experiences and also our knowledge and technical expertise that we have with others. But what is our ultimate object of blogging ? We blog for our sheer pleasure and personal satisfaction.We want to earn in the possible way by blogging in a popular site like which of late offers 100 % adsense revenue to the bloggers or writers.
Since we blog for our sheer pleasure and personal satisfaction, we must realize that through our blogs we should make others who read our blogs happy.In other words what we write should entertain them.
Then we have the problem, how to attract other bloggers and readers to our blog and make them read our blogs. It is only by writing an entertaining, interesting and informative blog. To earn revenue from a blogging site where adsense revenue sharing method is followed, it is a precondition that we should open an account with the googles adsense.
Therefore the secret of blogging lies in writing an entertaining blog that is rich in content also.To put it in other words, before blogging, a blogger should observe what the other bloggers are writing and also read the pulse of the readers what they are interested in, what they want.
How to read the pulse of the other bloggers and readers? A blogger should observe the readers’ response to his blogs and actual number of views that his blog gets and its frequency.He should also note down the response of sensational blogs written down by fellow bloggers get.
Therefore, to put it very simply, the key of blogging lies in blogging in an entertaining way with a rich content and blogging on a subject what others crave for and need.
Then you are blogging in a right direction with a purpose and goal and your success as a blogger is rest assured.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Common Man's Role in the hour of food crisis in India
The world is suffering from food crisis.The Indian people are suffering from all time rise in inflation, a near 12 % coupled with price rise in all fronts, especially edible oils, pulses, rice and other eatables. No doubt the world food crisis has affected the common man in India too.The Indian Government is rather busy at clinching Indo-Us nuclear treaty and saving the UPA government in the floor of the parliament by proving its majority.
Under the circumstances mentioned above, the common man in India has his own role to play and needs to be frugal as is the case with the US people.The ways and means he needs to adopt are relevant in the present day context, though the ideas may have emanated in the yesteryears, in the late 70’s.
One of the main reasons that is ascribed to world food crisis is that the supplies exceeds our demands and eventhough as economists point out India is in no way responsible for the present day food crisis, we cannot remain in splendid isolation and remain a silent spectator of what we have been actually suffering from.
Then, what else can we do? It is all about our life style. Still, I can vividly recall. During the emergency imposed in India by Mrs,Indira Gandhi in the year 1975, mainly to safeguard herself, she issued a 20 point programme. One of which was pertaining to the instructions given to the groceries and the hotels to follow.They should exhibit the prices of all essential commodities they sell and similarly in the hotels, they should exhibit the price list of food items they sold along with the quantity of food they sold, say for example, ‘coffee 350 ml, Rs 6.00’These instructions if scrupulously followed, will keep the people aware of the current trend in the prices of the essential commodities and they can be monitored over a period of time, atleast until the crisis is blown over.
Similarly another important instruction given to the traders like cement, hardwares, petrol and all other important goods which we deal with, however the small the shop may be, the trader should exhibit a list prominently, indicating the current position of the stocks available etc, so that giving a semblance of hope for the hoarders, black marketers, etc.
Another important instruction given that was to be scrupulously followed and monitored by the revenue authorities at the taluk level was to have a ceiling on ones marriage expenditure which helped to reduce extravagant expenditure, wastages of food in the name of sumptuous feasts etc. All the above programs and steps taken by Mrs.Gandhi are relevant today.
Similarly as far as individuals are concerned, keeping their necessities to the barest minimum especially with regard to our diet and other food habits, which will to some extent reduce the demand and thereby we can avoid scrambling.
Of course, it is quite difficult to observe and follow the above and it may even sound poking at your nose. But considering the larger interests and welfare of the society, of which we also form a part, they may not be difficult. It is just like keeping and maintaining oneself on a diet, still we reach normalcy.
Under the circumstances mentioned above, the common man in India has his own role to play and needs to be frugal as is the case with the US people.The ways and means he needs to adopt are relevant in the present day context, though the ideas may have emanated in the yesteryears, in the late 70’s.
One of the main reasons that is ascribed to world food crisis is that the supplies exceeds our demands and eventhough as economists point out India is in no way responsible for the present day food crisis, we cannot remain in splendid isolation and remain a silent spectator of what we have been actually suffering from.
Then, what else can we do? It is all about our life style. Still, I can vividly recall. During the emergency imposed in India by Mrs,Indira Gandhi in the year 1975, mainly to safeguard herself, she issued a 20 point programme. One of which was pertaining to the instructions given to the groceries and the hotels to follow.They should exhibit the prices of all essential commodities they sell and similarly in the hotels, they should exhibit the price list of food items they sold along with the quantity of food they sold, say for example, ‘coffee 350 ml, Rs 6.00’These instructions if scrupulously followed, will keep the people aware of the current trend in the prices of the essential commodities and they can be monitored over a period of time, atleast until the crisis is blown over.
Similarly another important instruction given to the traders like cement, hardwares, petrol and all other important goods which we deal with, however the small the shop may be, the trader should exhibit a list prominently, indicating the current position of the stocks available etc, so that giving a semblance of hope for the hoarders, black marketers, etc.
Another important instruction given that was to be scrupulously followed and monitored by the revenue authorities at the taluk level was to have a ceiling on ones marriage expenditure which helped to reduce extravagant expenditure, wastages of food in the name of sumptuous feasts etc. All the above programs and steps taken by Mrs.Gandhi are relevant today.
Similarly as far as individuals are concerned, keeping their necessities to the barest minimum especially with regard to our diet and other food habits, which will to some extent reduce the demand and thereby we can avoid scrambling.
Of course, it is quite difficult to observe and follow the above and it may even sound poking at your nose. But considering the larger interests and welfare of the society, of which we also form a part, they may not be difficult. It is just like keeping and maintaining oneself on a diet, still we reach normalcy.
Friday, July 11, 2008
It is easy to advice than to follow
It is easy to advice than to follow what we advise. We often get provoked when our advices invariably get flouted. When we ponder over why advising is so easy and why following an advice is always difficult, we arrive at a solution. Similarly, when we have also considered the question, why people hate people who advise? When we consider all these questions, after spending a considerable time for thinking over the above questions, we arrive at some answers, which are ridiculously simple.
When we choose to advice, we usually do not involve ourselves in any sort of planning. We go off hand while advising and proceed to advice whatever we think, of course only at a person with whom we are familiar with. While advising, we are often haughty and remain egoistic, but we do not care about the ego of the person, to whom we advice. We simply forsake the courtesy for the sake of advising and thereby wound the self-esteem of a person to whom we are advising. When we embark upon the process of advising, we transgress our limits which actually end up at the tip of our nose. While advising in a premeditated way, we often misjudge the character of a person to whom we advice and so invariably our advice is not appropriate and go waste. In the end we end up in a dismal failure. Therefore, it is an irony that though we discharge our fairly easy burden of advising, we actually get ourselves exposed of our inability to judge, under-preparedness and in the end , we fail miserably in our mission that we embark upon rather all of a sudden.
Now when we consider the question, why it is difficult to follow an advice and often the advice gets flouted, the answer is not so simple. Though advice is directed against a person, often it is a sermon on the mount, replete with etiquettes, aimed at perfection, often idealistic and so naturally always difficult to follow. Besides, an advice before being put into practice, requires a careful planning, systematic practice, sustained hard work and above all the requisite motivation to achieve one’s goal. For example a father advices his son to score very good marks in the examination and to achieve a high ranking. But to realize what his father advised, the son has to work very hard, assuming that all the other conditions are favourable to him. Similarly, it is very easy to advise a person who is obese, in order to become slim, he should confine himself to strict dietary habits, go for regular exercises, eschew from fast foods etc. But we are all aware that it is not easy to become a slim person without making sustained efforts towards dieting, exercising, besides eschewing from the temptations of fast foods.
Therefore, it is easy to advice, than to follow what we advise
Monday, July 7, 2008
Kavya paid the price for what she was and what she is !
Kavya was terribly upset and had been under stress and tension for the past three hours. She was vexed; cancelled her dance class; cancelled her shooting scheduled to commence tomorrow, though, it was only a very small supporting role.
A few days ago when she saw a news about the French first lady Bruno’s nude photo was sold for a whopping price of $ 91,000, Kavya felt sorry for her. The News column also said that the photo was taken some ten years ago when she was a model. Now Bruno had to pay the price for what she is.
It was a pity, now Kavya herself faced a similar problem. But she was not at fault. The problem was that some news papers had flashed and some web sites had exhibited a photo of Kavya kissing a local industrialist. She was terribly shocked.
When Kavya probed into the photo, she learnt that it was morphed. But Kavya could not identify and trace the culprit who committed the cyber crime. Only after ten days, Kavya could trace the culprit. But she did not want to prefer any complaint against him and to precipitate and flare up the matter further. It was an irony that fellow was a very young man aged hardly 22 or 23, of a very orthodox family at Mylapore, Chennai.
When Kavya met him at his residence, he derisively smiled at her.
‘Is it fair on your part? Why did you morph my photo and publish it? ’
‘Weren’t you involved with that person ?’
‘Everything was a rumour and gossip only. I have got nothing to do with him? Even police had investigated and let off me since I was innocent’
‘Can you withdraw the photo and issue a disclaimer?’
‘I will do it. Please wait a minute. You are divorced and living all alone. But you are having movie chances only rarely. Your former husband was an NRI, was’nt he ?’
‘How did you know everything about me?’
‘Aren’t you in the cine field with still some glamour left with you ?’
‘You are paying the price for what you were and what you are !'
Kavya did not say anything except cursing her fate.
A few days ago when she saw a news about the French first lady Bruno’s nude photo was sold for a whopping price of $ 91,000, Kavya felt sorry for her. The News column also said that the photo was taken some ten years ago when she was a model. Now Bruno had to pay the price for what she is.
It was a pity, now Kavya herself faced a similar problem. But she was not at fault. The problem was that some news papers had flashed and some web sites had exhibited a photo of Kavya kissing a local industrialist. She was terribly shocked.
When Kavya probed into the photo, she learnt that it was morphed. But Kavya could not identify and trace the culprit who committed the cyber crime. Only after ten days, Kavya could trace the culprit. But she did not want to prefer any complaint against him and to precipitate and flare up the matter further. It was an irony that fellow was a very young man aged hardly 22 or 23, of a very orthodox family at Mylapore, Chennai.
When Kavya met him at his residence, he derisively smiled at her.
‘Is it fair on your part? Why did you morph my photo and publish it? ’
‘Weren’t you involved with that person ?’
‘Everything was a rumour and gossip only. I have got nothing to do with him? Even police had investigated and let off me since I was innocent’
‘Can you withdraw the photo and issue a disclaimer?’
‘I will do it. Please wait a minute. You are divorced and living all alone. But you are having movie chances only rarely. Your former husband was an NRI, was’nt he ?’
‘How did you know everything about me?’
‘Aren’t you in the cine field with still some glamour left with you ?’
‘You are paying the price for what you were and what you are !'
Kavya did not say anything except cursing her fate.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Akshaya Tritiya, a Day dedicated to good deeds
In these days of price rise and inflation, people, especially the so called middle class is struggling in India to have its both ends meet.
However, they are gullible and fall an easy prey to sentiments. Realising their passion towards gold jewelry and also their inability to purchase at will, the gold merchants are luring them by tapping and exploiting their sentiments and weaknesses to its fullest extent.
Akshaya Tritiya is one such occasion that falls in the month of May and we can rather say a ploy employed by the jewelry mart owners, to sell their jewelry in bulk on a single day.
Akshaya Tritaya is a day considered to bring eternal good fortune. Akshaya meaning imperishable or eternal – that which never diminishes.Valuables bought on this day are considered to bring good fortune.Buying gold is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya as it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity.
No wonder jewelry shops are packed with people on this day like some trade-fair is going on. Gold being considered the symbol of ultimate wealth and prosperity is most sought after on Akshaya Tritiya.
Akshaya Tritiya, the day dedicated for good deeds and the best fortune, is considered to be one of the most auspicious days of the Vedic calendar.Each year, this day is anticipated with enthusiasm as the most auspicious day to bring Goddess Lakshmi home.
The word ‘Akshaya’ is a Sanskrit word, literally means one that never diminishes and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. This day is considered auspicious for buying assets like gold and silver, diamond and other precious stones and the real estate.
The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring properity.Hence it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, laying basement for a new house etc are done on Akshaya Tritiya.It is an auspicious day for buying as well as giving too.This day is also considered auspicious for weddings.
Stories on Akshaya Tritiya are also very interesting. According to Mahabharata, when the Pandavas were in exile, Lord Krishna gave Draupati a bowl called the Akshayapatram., which on turning it upwards a day, the pot will provide unlimited amounts of food for the satisfaction of the Lords. Hence,valuables acquired on this day are said to be replenished endlessly.
This day is also considered as the birthday of Parasuram considered to be a personification of valour and of devotion and so an auspicious day.
It was on this day, Veda Vyas along with Lord Ganesa, started writing Mahabaratha.
Mother Ganges also descended to earth on this day.
According to the Puranas, this day marks the beginning of Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga.
No doubt the Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day for the people of ‘haves’ but not to the ‘have-nots’
However, they are gullible and fall an easy prey to sentiments. Realising their passion towards gold jewelry and also their inability to purchase at will, the gold merchants are luring them by tapping and exploiting their sentiments and weaknesses to its fullest extent.
Akshaya Tritiya is one such occasion that falls in the month of May and we can rather say a ploy employed by the jewelry mart owners, to sell their jewelry in bulk on a single day.
Akshaya Tritaya is a day considered to bring eternal good fortune. Akshaya meaning imperishable or eternal – that which never diminishes.Valuables bought on this day are considered to bring good fortune.Buying gold is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya as it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity.
No wonder jewelry shops are packed with people on this day like some trade-fair is going on. Gold being considered the symbol of ultimate wealth and prosperity is most sought after on Akshaya Tritiya.
Akshaya Tritiya, the day dedicated for good deeds and the best fortune, is considered to be one of the most auspicious days of the Vedic calendar.Each year, this day is anticipated with enthusiasm as the most auspicious day to bring Goddess Lakshmi home.
The word ‘Akshaya’ is a Sanskrit word, literally means one that never diminishes and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. This day is considered auspicious for buying assets like gold and silver, diamond and other precious stones and the real estate.
The legend states that any venture initiated on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya shall continue to grow and bring properity.Hence it is normal to see many of the new ventures, like starting a business, laying basement for a new house etc are done on Akshaya Tritiya.It is an auspicious day for buying as well as giving too.This day is also considered auspicious for weddings.
Stories on Akshaya Tritiya are also very interesting. According to Mahabharata, when the Pandavas were in exile, Lord Krishna gave Draupati a bowl called the Akshayapatram., which on turning it upwards a day, the pot will provide unlimited amounts of food for the satisfaction of the Lords. Hence,valuables acquired on this day are said to be replenished endlessly.
This day is also considered as the birthday of Parasuram considered to be a personification of valour and of devotion and so an auspicious day.
It was on this day, Veda Vyas along with Lord Ganesa, started writing Mahabaratha.
Mother Ganges also descended to earth on this day.
According to the Puranas, this day marks the beginning of Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga.
No doubt the Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day for the people of ‘haves’ but not to the ‘have-nots’
Friday, July 4, 2008
Blessings from parents do wonders for their wards
Some of us may believe in God and some others may not. Some of us believe that God alone created this World.Those who are driven by reason rather than by passion does not believe that God has created this world.They may have more faith in science supported by reason and may believe in scientific theories on the origin of this earth.
But no one can dispute that we descend on this earth from our parents, the living legends or gods on this earth, in whatever name you call them.. So it is our duty to seek their blessings regularly whenever we embark upon any new venture and also to look after them well to the best of our ability.
It is unfortunate to note that the modern trend is aged parents are considered unnecessary burden and simply dumped at ‘Homes for the Aged’. The wards of the aged parents are doing it either on their own accord or they are pressurized to do so.
The main reason for such reckless attitude on the part of the wards is lack of affection on their parents.
Hence, it is the duty of the parents to inculcate a quality of respect in their children towards them from their childhood days.
Children should make it a habit to seek the blessings of their parents always whenever they go to school and when they are grown up, when they go to office or embark upon a new business venture.
By seeking the blessings of the parents, on the one hand elders are pleased and put in a good mental frame and on the other hand, one may believe it or not, their blessings do wonders for their wards in whatever task they embark upon.
In the long run,such habits make the children always revere their parents and many an evils like sending them to the ‘home for the aged’ etc avoided.
Therefore, we should make it a habit or make conscious efforts to cultivate the habit of seeking the blessings of our parents regularly, so that we may not get estranged from them, when they became aged.
Nothing wrong in seeking the blessing of our parents, whatever our position may be , status may be. After all, they are our parents who take care of us in our childhood days, without whose efforts we may not have risen to the position what we are today.
But no one can dispute that we descend on this earth from our parents, the living legends or gods on this earth, in whatever name you call them.. So it is our duty to seek their blessings regularly whenever we embark upon any new venture and also to look after them well to the best of our ability.
It is unfortunate to note that the modern trend is aged parents are considered unnecessary burden and simply dumped at ‘Homes for the Aged’. The wards of the aged parents are doing it either on their own accord or they are pressurized to do so.
The main reason for such reckless attitude on the part of the wards is lack of affection on their parents.
Hence, it is the duty of the parents to inculcate a quality of respect in their children towards them from their childhood days.
Children should make it a habit to seek the blessings of their parents always whenever they go to school and when they are grown up, when they go to office or embark upon a new business venture.
By seeking the blessings of the parents, on the one hand elders are pleased and put in a good mental frame and on the other hand, one may believe it or not, their blessings do wonders for their wards in whatever task they embark upon.
In the long run,such habits make the children always revere their parents and many an evils like sending them to the ‘home for the aged’ etc avoided.
Therefore, we should make it a habit or make conscious efforts to cultivate the habit of seeking the blessings of our parents regularly, so that we may not get estranged from them, when they became aged.
Nothing wrong in seeking the blessing of our parents, whatever our position may be , status may be. After all, they are our parents who take care of us in our childhood days, without whose efforts we may not have risen to the position what we are today.
Charity begets Charity
Charity begets Charity. It does not happen just like that. Charity begins at home. Then it spreads to the outer world. It has a common and social purpose. It has an object. It manifests itself through the collective actions of the human beings. But it needs persuasion, transformation of the mind, resolution and then action. But unmindful of the consequences of the action for which contributions are made through Charity, it goes on and on. Therefore the classic characteristic quality of Charity is that it is permanent as a quality and its abode is the human minds. What is required to bring out the quality of Charity is an indispensable situation, of course persuasion, a large heartedness and above all the resources for a person who wants to contribute to the cause of Charity. But sometimes the classic quality of Charity even emanates from a person who has no resources, but one cannot blame a human being in such a situation but to appreciate and applaud the efforts of the concerned person, who supports the cause of Charity in his own and known way.
A recent manifestation of Charity from a rickshaw puller and his wife in Villivakkam, Chennai, is the classic example to show that Charity begets Charity. The rickshaw puller Daniel Thomas and his wife Selvi, living at the meager resources of Daniel Thomas. Having made Rs 1,000/- per month, he could not afford the cost of Rs 1.65 lakhs for his son’s heart surgery, who was suffering from a congenital heart disease. It was only Charity from the public that helped them in arranging for the surgery. Little Emmanuel was diagnosed with an anomaly in his heart when he was six months old. He never showed the growth that normal children of his age did. Even at the age of two, Emmanuel did not walk or talk and he was sick most of the time and had a severe wheezing problem since he was just a few months old. When most of the doctors consulted by Emmanuel’s parents had given up hope on him and discouraged Daniel and his wife Selvi from trying the complicated surgery on the kid.
Finally, they found a doctor at the MIOT hospital, Chennai, who agreed to perform the surgery on Daniel, but told them that it would cost them Rs 1.65 lakhs.But the couple did not give up hope and approached several NGOs and Charity organizations for help.Soon the required amount was collected. Emmanuel underwent the surgery on April 1, 2008, at the MIOT hospitals. He passed away around 11.30 a.m on Monday, due to cardiac failure.
As soon as the news of Emmanuel’s death spread, it was Mr.C.M.Munna,Chennai District organizer of the blood donor wing of the NGO Huiman Rights Organisation who had co-ordinated the eye donation with the C.U.Shah Eye Bank of the Shankara Nethralaya. When he approached Emmanuel’s parents seeking the donation of his eyes, they agreed immediately without any hesitation They wanted their son Emmanuel to be use of to society after his death and this would be the only way in which Emmanuel could thank all his sponsors.Thus Charity begets Charity.
A recent manifestation of Charity from a rickshaw puller and his wife in Villivakkam, Chennai, is the classic example to show that Charity begets Charity. The rickshaw puller Daniel Thomas and his wife Selvi, living at the meager resources of Daniel Thomas. Having made Rs 1,000/- per month, he could not afford the cost of Rs 1.65 lakhs for his son’s heart surgery, who was suffering from a congenital heart disease. It was only Charity from the public that helped them in arranging for the surgery. Little Emmanuel was diagnosed with an anomaly in his heart when he was six months old. He never showed the growth that normal children of his age did. Even at the age of two, Emmanuel did not walk or talk and he was sick most of the time and had a severe wheezing problem since he was just a few months old. When most of the doctors consulted by Emmanuel’s parents had given up hope on him and discouraged Daniel and his wife Selvi from trying the complicated surgery on the kid.
Finally, they found a doctor at the MIOT hospital, Chennai, who agreed to perform the surgery on Daniel, but told them that it would cost them Rs 1.65 lakhs.But the couple did not give up hope and approached several NGOs and Charity organizations for help.Soon the required amount was collected. Emmanuel underwent the surgery on April 1, 2008, at the MIOT hospitals. He passed away around 11.30 a.m on Monday, due to cardiac failure.
As soon as the news of Emmanuel’s death spread, it was Mr.C.M.Munna,Chennai District organizer of the blood donor wing of the NGO Huiman Rights Organisation who had co-ordinated the eye donation with the C.U.Shah Eye Bank of the Shankara Nethralaya. When he approached Emmanuel’s parents seeking the donation of his eyes, they agreed immediately without any hesitation They wanted their son Emmanuel to be use of to society after his death and this would be the only way in which Emmanuel could thank all his sponsors.Thus Charity begets Charity.
The demon called plastic
The modern science and technology, though improved our life style has also left many an indelible imprints in our life, which are detrimental to the cause of environment.
Plastic is the classic example. It is the synthetic material out of which we use its variants in different sizes and it occupies our kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and hall etc.In other words we can say that it has become indispensable part of our life.
People, especially the poor and middle class use plastic vessels heavily since they are comparatively cheaper in cost and lighter in weight that the other vessels.
While vessels made of earthenware, aluminum, brass, lead and ever silver malleable and they can be converted into another form and destroyed when they become old, plastic vessels cannot be destroyed and they can be changed into only in yet another form.
Therefore plastic is the material that is very difficult to destroy and researchers have proved that a plastic bag that we use in our day today life takes thousands of years to get decomposed unlike other materials that we use. Therefore, plastic is a permanent threat to our environment. Realising the potential threat of plastic materials, the Indian Railway Minister has set an example by issuing directions to use cups made of earthenware dispensing with plastic cups made of synthetic materials.
Therefore, it is better to avoid using plastic materials as far as possible in the best interest of a family and in the larger interests of the society as well.
We should eschew from using plastic materials only by making conscious efforts in that direction.
Plastic is the classic example. It is the synthetic material out of which we use its variants in different sizes and it occupies our kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and hall etc.In other words we can say that it has become indispensable part of our life.
People, especially the poor and middle class use plastic vessels heavily since they are comparatively cheaper in cost and lighter in weight that the other vessels.
While vessels made of earthenware, aluminum, brass, lead and ever silver malleable and they can be converted into another form and destroyed when they become old, plastic vessels cannot be destroyed and they can be changed into only in yet another form.
Therefore plastic is the material that is very difficult to destroy and researchers have proved that a plastic bag that we use in our day today life takes thousands of years to get decomposed unlike other materials that we use. Therefore, plastic is a permanent threat to our environment. Realising the potential threat of plastic materials, the Indian Railway Minister has set an example by issuing directions to use cups made of earthenware dispensing with plastic cups made of synthetic materials.
Therefore, it is better to avoid using plastic materials as far as possible in the best interest of a family and in the larger interests of the society as well.
We should eschew from using plastic materials only by making conscious efforts in that direction.
Why do we turn away from profanity in our old age ?
As years roll by we are aging and we enter into different phases of our life.Our mental horizon is widened as we gain more experience and knowledge according to our level of education, our employment, our profession, our business and our family background etc.
As we get married our solitary bachelor status goes and our family gets expanded with the addition of children in the family. Our responsibility also increases in rearing them, educating them and in assisting them in providing suitable employment for them.
We have also to tackle the problems of our children when they come of age like marrying them to a suitable bride or bridegroom and in the process we struggle much economically.
In the cycle of life, a woman, on attaining motherhood stops living for her and thereafter starts living for her wards, physically as well as mentally. A man, on attaining fatherhood stops living for him and starts living for his wife and wards.The whole family revolves around him, entirely depending on him economically. However, there are some exceptions too. An irresponsible idiot in the masque of a father or mother, not able to or rather not willing to shoulder additional responsibilities or burdens, end up or mess up the life as an odd man or woman out either as a drunkard or a sensuous person.
As our burden increases manifold, we gasp and seek relief from others, sometimes from an unexpected quarter. No help coming from any quarter, we gradually turn away from profanity, thinking more about Almighty and pray for His blessings for the smooth running of life.
As we are aging, our lifestyle also changes as we enter menopause stage losing interest in sexual life. When we cross 40 or reaches middle age, we physically become weak and develop ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and our attention gets diverted towards tackling those diseases. Hereditary factors also complicate our woes.
Gradually we also become conscious of our death but we are not certain where we would go. What will happen to us after our death ? Whether there exists any heaven or hell after death ? What is in store for us after our death ? Unable to get answers for these questions we turn towards mysticism turning away from the life of profanity.Going to Kasi yatra, frequenting temples or spending more time at the temples are just examples.
But taking all the above aspects into consideration and having been conscious of the fact that we are aging, we need to maintain a balance in our day to day life. But science or reasoning, whatever you call it, suggests entirely a different lifestyle of worldly life even for the oldies.
Therefore, as we are aging, our lifestyle should strike a balance between the two: living for our own as well as living for others.
As we get married our solitary bachelor status goes and our family gets expanded with the addition of children in the family. Our responsibility also increases in rearing them, educating them and in assisting them in providing suitable employment for them.
We have also to tackle the problems of our children when they come of age like marrying them to a suitable bride or bridegroom and in the process we struggle much economically.
In the cycle of life, a woman, on attaining motherhood stops living for her and thereafter starts living for her wards, physically as well as mentally. A man, on attaining fatherhood stops living for him and starts living for his wife and wards.The whole family revolves around him, entirely depending on him economically. However, there are some exceptions too. An irresponsible idiot in the masque of a father or mother, not able to or rather not willing to shoulder additional responsibilities or burdens, end up or mess up the life as an odd man or woman out either as a drunkard or a sensuous person.
As our burden increases manifold, we gasp and seek relief from others, sometimes from an unexpected quarter. No help coming from any quarter, we gradually turn away from profanity, thinking more about Almighty and pray for His blessings for the smooth running of life.
As we are aging, our lifestyle also changes as we enter menopause stage losing interest in sexual life. When we cross 40 or reaches middle age, we physically become weak and develop ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and our attention gets diverted towards tackling those diseases. Hereditary factors also complicate our woes.
Gradually we also become conscious of our death but we are not certain where we would go. What will happen to us after our death ? Whether there exists any heaven or hell after death ? What is in store for us after our death ? Unable to get answers for these questions we turn towards mysticism turning away from the life of profanity.Going to Kasi yatra, frequenting temples or spending more time at the temples are just examples.
But taking all the above aspects into consideration and having been conscious of the fact that we are aging, we need to maintain a balance in our day to day life. But science or reasoning, whatever you call it, suggests entirely a different lifestyle of worldly life even for the oldies.
Therefore, as we are aging, our lifestyle should strike a balance between the two: living for our own as well as living for others.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Deaf, Dumb and Blind too
It was very rare. Normally people who are deaf and dumb will have a very keen and clear eyesight Similarly people who are blind will have a sharp ears.But in the case of Rajakumaran it was rather unfortunate.He was deaf and dumb by birth and when he was around 12 years he became blind too, when he was attacked by small pox, that is very rare nowadays.
He was a beggar and normally seen at the bus stands of Kallakurichi and Villupuram.In a week, between Sunday to Tuesday he would be begging at Kallakurichi bus stand, sitting in an isolated place. Between Wednesday and Saturday, he would be begging at Villupuram bus stand and one could see him nearby the Archana hotel, just opposite to the new bus stand.
Being physically challenged in the true sense, he had no other go but to eke out his livelihood only by begging. But it was rather unfortunate that he could not ask for anything from the public that he wanted and he was at the mercy of the people and simply had whatever they offered.
When we see him as a beggar without asking for anything from the public, one would rather consider him as a good for nothing fellow.
But when we observe him closely, we may get astonished at his common sense.
At every Wednesday at 5 o’clock in the morning he would board a bus bound for Chennai from Kallakurichi and when the bus reached Villupuram at about 0645 in the morning, though he was deaf and dumb besides being blind, he would not ask for anybody’s help and get down from the bus at Villupuram bus stand on his won.
A newly appointed bus conductor could not control his surprise.He wanted to know how the blind man who was deaf and dumb managed to get down at Villupuram without asking or confirming from others. I being one of the regular traveler in the bus, the conductor asked me as follows :
‘He seems to be deaf and dumb and blind as well.How does he manage to board the bus and alight from the bus correctly when the bus reached Villupuram ?’
‘The answer is very simple. I got it ascertained from one of his friends at Kallakurichi who is also a beggar there.’
The conductor became curious. He looked at me with a questioning inflexion.
‘The answer is very simple but silly.As and when the bus reaches at Villupuram bus stand, the blind man uses his nostrils.That’s the secret.’
‘I can’t follow.’
‘The worst foul and the urinal smell that emanates from the Villupuram bus stand, always keeps the blind man alert and he manages to get down from the bus correctly without getting anybody’s help or assistance, when he reaches Villupuram’
The bus conductor could not control his ripples for sometime.
He was a beggar and normally seen at the bus stands of Kallakurichi and Villupuram.In a week, between Sunday to Tuesday he would be begging at Kallakurichi bus stand, sitting in an isolated place. Between Wednesday and Saturday, he would be begging at Villupuram bus stand and one could see him nearby the Archana hotel, just opposite to the new bus stand.
Being physically challenged in the true sense, he had no other go but to eke out his livelihood only by begging. But it was rather unfortunate that he could not ask for anything from the public that he wanted and he was at the mercy of the people and simply had whatever they offered.
When we see him as a beggar without asking for anything from the public, one would rather consider him as a good for nothing fellow.
But when we observe him closely, we may get astonished at his common sense.
At every Wednesday at 5 o’clock in the morning he would board a bus bound for Chennai from Kallakurichi and when the bus reached Villupuram at about 0645 in the morning, though he was deaf and dumb besides being blind, he would not ask for anybody’s help and get down from the bus at Villupuram bus stand on his won.
A newly appointed bus conductor could not control his surprise.He wanted to know how the blind man who was deaf and dumb managed to get down at Villupuram without asking or confirming from others. I being one of the regular traveler in the bus, the conductor asked me as follows :
‘He seems to be deaf and dumb and blind as well.How does he manage to board the bus and alight from the bus correctly when the bus reached Villupuram ?’
‘The answer is very simple. I got it ascertained from one of his friends at Kallakurichi who is also a beggar there.’
The conductor became curious. He looked at me with a questioning inflexion.
‘The answer is very simple but silly.As and when the bus reaches at Villupuram bus stand, the blind man uses his nostrils.That’s the secret.’
‘I can’t follow.’
‘The worst foul and the urinal smell that emanates from the Villupuram bus stand, always keeps the blind man alert and he manages to get down from the bus correctly without getting anybody’s help or assistance, when he reaches Villupuram’
The bus conductor could not control his ripples for sometime.
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