Friday, July 4, 2008

Why do we turn away from profanity in our old age ?

As years roll by we are aging and we enter into different phases of our life.Our mental horizon is widened as we gain more experience and knowledge according to our level of education, our employment, our profession, our business and our family background etc.

As we get married our solitary bachelor status goes and our family gets expanded with the addition of children in the family. Our responsibility also increases in rearing them, educating them and in assisting them in providing suitable employment for them.

We have also to tackle the problems of our children when they come of age like marrying them to a suitable bride or bridegroom and in the process we struggle much economically.

In the cycle of life, a woman, on attaining motherhood stops living for her and thereafter starts living for her wards, physically as well as mentally. A man, on attaining fatherhood stops living for him and starts living for his wife and wards.The whole family revolves around him, entirely depending on him economically. However, there are some exceptions too. An irresponsible idiot in the masque of a father or mother, not able to or rather not willing to shoulder additional responsibilities or burdens, end up or mess up the life as an odd man or woman out either as a drunkard or a sensuous person.

As our burden increases manifold, we gasp and seek relief from others, sometimes from an unexpected quarter. No help coming from any quarter, we gradually turn away from profanity, thinking more about Almighty and pray for His blessings for the smooth running of life.

As we are aging, our lifestyle also changes as we enter menopause stage losing interest in sexual life. When we cross 40 or reaches middle age, we physically become weak and develop ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol and our attention gets diverted towards tackling those diseases. Hereditary factors also complicate our woes.

Gradually we also become conscious of our death but we are not certain where we would go. What will happen to us after our death ? Whether there exists any heaven or hell after death ? What is in store for us after our death ? Unable to get answers for these questions we turn towards mysticism turning away from the life of profanity.Going to Kasi yatra, frequenting temples or spending more time at the temples are just examples.

But taking all the above aspects into consideration and having been conscious of the fact that we are aging, we need to maintain a balance in our day to day life. But science or reasoning, whatever you call it, suggests entirely a different lifestyle of worldly life even for the oldies.

Therefore, as we are aging, our lifestyle should strike a balance between the two: living for our own as well as living for others.

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